Sundays at WestPark
what can you expect
We would love for you to join us on Sunday mornings for Christ-exalting music and practical biblical teaching. We dress casual and have a great Kids Program!
Click play to watch the video and learn more about us
Sundays @9:00 & 11:00 am
Everyone Welcome
@ WestPark Church

What is involved in the Sunday morning services?
Our 9:00 & 11:00 am services feature a practical bible message and energetic music that includes both contemporary choruses and hymns.
The messages seek to communicate the timeless truth of God’s Word in contemporary ways. We broadcast our services live online each Sunday. You can view the live broadcast, and service archives here.
What language services do you offer?
We offer 4 different language services: English, Chinese, Spanish & Arabic! To learn more about one of our language ministries, click below.
What is there for Kids on a Sunday?
During our worship services, we provide loving care and an engaging experience for kids from birth through Grade 5.
Plan Your Visit
we'd love to meet you
Please fill out your information below. We'd love to have you come out and see what WestPark is about.
(t) 519 | 471 | 7460
(f) 519 | 471 | 7435
955 Gainsborough Rd.
London, ON
N6G 5C9